Let’s be honest you’re not alone in always wanting more time in a day to get things done. It’s a struggle.

We can’t change the number of hours or days given to us, but we can change our habits to maximize it. That is through our productivity skills.

Let’s start by defining productivity. Productivity is the efficiency of doing something consistently. It doesn’t mean doing a lot of things in one day. It doesn’t mean being busy all day.

Productivity means having the right structure and a system in your life that helps you stay at a steady pace to help you reach your goals.

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Some simple ways to make your day more productive:

Look at how your week is going to look like. This helps prepare the mind and body for what the week. Also, doing this allows me to make sure I have the support or things I need to carry the tasks of that week.

Prepare the night before. This has been a game-changer for me. This lets me see how my day is going to look like tomorrow.

Schedule breaks into the day. I never use to do this, and I would feel like all I did was work. I didn’t see my husband or kids at all. Now I take breaks to have breakfast and lunch with them. I make sure to take breaks to go on walks with them.

I’m always looking for ways to improve my productivity. Send me a DM on Instagram @shengherr, and feel free to send a productivity tip that’s helped you.

Want to continue the conversation? Follow me on Instagram @shengherr. Send me a DM and tell me what productivity tip you’re going to try.

Want more productivity tips? Download my productivity kit HERE.



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